Industrial wastewater consists of impurities including colloidal particles and dissolved organic substances. The finely dispersed colloids or suspended solids are usually repelled by their outer layer of electrical charges and maintain the colloidal nature until treated by flocculants/coagulants for their removal. A wide variety of chemicals and organic compounds have been recognized as efficient agents to remove the suspended solids from the wastewater. But, for chemical management and its handling as well as lowering the system footprints, electro-coagulation comes in handy.
An Electro-coagulation reactor consists of sacrificial anode and cathode metal plates of specific dimensions, as electrodes, supplied with adequate direct current using a power supply.
Electro-coagulation is a method that has great ability on various wastewater and leachate. This process can remove ions, FOG, Silica, Organic particulate matter and helps in the reduction of COD, BOD, and suspended solids.