In general, industries or Customers do believe that the Electro chlorination facilities are going to function with minimum maintenance. Although it is partly true especially compared to other disinfection technologies and techniques. But they do not spend the minimum required time or money even to track the efficiency of the plant or its power consumption. But the importance of maintenance is going to be admitted when the Electrochlorination plant is in the state of the refurbishment of Electrolyzers before the guaranteed 5 years of safe functioning.
Getting closer to the end of the electrolyzer lifetime, the disfunction looks like a sudden fall of chlorine production. As the coatings are got flawed or the Cathodes buried under the scaling, the voltage rises gradually. Finally, chlorine production starts to fall continuously.
The functioning of the plant over its designed lifetime is determined by monitoring the following parameters: voltage and chlorine production. Two external factors also must be considered to analyze the performance and life expectancy of the Electrolyzers : Seawater quality (that is out of our control), and maintenance operations such as regular acid washing. With documentation and analysis of data, the best maintenance practices and the time could be determined. The maintenance helps to avoid sudden and premature failure.