Chlorination is an ordinary form of water disinfection for drinking water and many other water applications such as swimming pools and etc., to ensure the amount of disease transmitted through the water can be reduced. It is an affordable and easy-access method by adding chlorine or chlorine compounds to water to destroy the pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and microbes.
And in one word to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera and etc., as well as decrease the Odor and other numerous items. Today this is the most popular method since chlorination of water can be done at any time /point to control different water contamination concerns.
If chlorine is applied when the untreated water enters the treatment facility, is called Pre-Chlorination (To eliminate algae and other forms of aquatic life Pre-Chlorination is done).
Sometimes chlorine is applied in the middle of the treatment facility, before filtration/after sedimentation, (To control the biological growth, remove iron and manganese, remove taste, colors, and odors from the water).
If chlorine is applied when the water leaves the treatment facility is called Post Chlorination. (To maintain chlorine residuals in the water pipeline in the distribution system).
It should be noted that the excessive dosing of the chlorine injection, no matter in gas, powder, or liquid form, may be dangerous and detrimental, generating THM. Therefore, ULTRANODE recommends electro chlorination utilization instead. WHY? The comparable reason is that you can have complete control on dosing the injection of sodium hypochlorite to ensure the proper level of chlorine residual is maintained to meet regulatory standards.