Disinfection systems for Hotels & Resorts

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Hotels and Resorts

Disinfection systems for Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and resorts consume a large amount of water for different purposes such as bathing, laundry, housekeeping, cooking, kitchen surface/floor cleaning and utensils, drinking, swimming pools, steam rooms, jacuzzi, hot tubs, kiddie pools, splash pools, spa, salon, fountains and its water features as well as firewater, cooling system, etc. To be able to supply this volume of water, the water is required to be stored in huge tanks to minimize the risk of water shortage. Here is the main concern to keep the water safe and clean. Although all hotels and resorts come equipped with a sort of water treatment, it needs an appropriate water disinfection system as pre-treatment to make sure pathogens are removed out of the system for the safety of membranes or as post-treatment.

ULTRANODE electrochlorination system can be fitted right into your existing disinfection requirements in which desired dosage of chlorine can be added depending on the application to avoid algae growth, bad odor, and kill harmful microorganisms.

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