Urban Water Treatment
As a final step in the municipal drinking water system, disinfection of treated water while it leaves the urban treatment plant is the must in order for the treated water to have 1 – 2 ppm chlorine residual to remove disease. Also when the water travels long-distance, water resources and the pipelines that the water is transmitted with, are susceptible to contamination/recontamination due to the possible gaps or leaks, Pump station re-chlorination, as well as chlorine injection in different intervals is required.
Thus, the pipeline will always have a residual chlorine effect which then prevents pathogen growth. However, if it is more than 0.8 ppm chlorine residuals at the consumer taps, as a result of improper dosage of chemicals, could be lethal. We have eliminated such human errors via offering electrochlorination system which has the ability to micro-dose the disinfectant accurately.